I hope this story touches you

Dedication: My fiancée

I met this girl on eHarmony. She has a very high need of care. We were chatting for a week, getting to know each other, and then we fell in love. It was going great, and we got engaged months later.

Months later, I got a dreaded phone call. She was in trouble. I raced to where she was headed in a panic. They called me in to see her, and she looked lifeless. I held her hand, she couldn’t hear me, she couldn’t see me, but her soul knew I was there. I told her to keep fighting.

A day goes by, and I heard that she was being transferred, because she was losing the battle.
And I Burst into tears. I cried and I cried. I had an hours drive home, I was crying the whole time. It took my whole family to stop me from crying. I thought I was going to lose my wife to be. Then, as I was crying, she awoke, as if she came back to life.
She heard how much I was crying, she called me straight away and said “I’m okay, I’m still here, calm down” I was so relieved. I nearly lost her.

It was our first huge health battle together. I still have a chance to call her my wife. I hope this story touches you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel like saying something nice. I learned from this, that you should always give your loved ones a very big hug, you never know when it will be your last

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