
A journey from Silence to Symphony

In the silence, I found strength. In the darkness, I found light. And in the journey from silence to sound, I discovered the true essence of resilience.” These were the words that...

love advice

this is not a story, but it’s an advice, love is a beautiful thing but its not easy if ever wanted to let yourself love you need to be ready for what is coming cause relationships are...


You don’t like him don’t wait for your gut to scream at you until it turns you inside out. When it inevitably does because you’ll do what you want regardless. Make sure...

The years go by too fast- To My Girl

TO THE GIRL I LOVE PS. I have changed the names for purposes Hope U enjoy, I understand if you are confused, because I was at first too! It all started in the year, 2023. It had been 5...

Wish you loved me like i did

Hi i am a 23 year old female. A little bit background information i grew up in a conservative family. Oh i am a Muslim so my parents were really strict about my upbringing so that I...

Because fact:

They say healthy love is scary if you’ve never seen it before. If only they knew you are the only one that I adore. I love your reasoning, it adds flavour to my being like seasoning. I...

My recovery story

Hi,  I’d like to share my story about having anorexia for 22 years to help as many people as possible. I want to heal the world, and I hope sharing my story will do just that. I have...