Faith over Fear

I hope this blesses someone today. I made a big milestone today. Well it may seem small to others but it was big to me. Today i had to go to a meeting at the place where i work . Today of course it was hot but for the past thirteen years – winter, spring, fall and even in the dead hot summer i wore a coat like a light jacket because i hated my body. I didn’t care how hot it was i had a jacket on to cover myself. For the first time today i decided to let my past hurt go. I had made up in my mind that i was going to face my fear and love myself first today . So today i left my coat and went without it. At first it was very hard for me but the more i told myself im beautiful. That i am wonderfully made; the more easier it was for me until i just didn’t notice i had no coat. It was after my meeting i truly noticed. I couldn’t do nothing but shead tears. The hardest thing for me to do i faced it and over came it. Sooo very proud of myself.

Photo credit: Images courtesy of the storyteller.

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Kimberly C. Blackwell

I am 42 years old and I'm from Roxboro North Carolina but I live in Durham North Carolina. Roxboro is my hometown. I have two wonderful parents one beautiful young sister named Christy cash. I have a beautiful middle sister who passed away not too long ago named Michelle Blackwell. I have been writing inspirational poetry for over 20 years. My website is