(Venus in front of the mirror) Dear you and me, I always had the dream to help other people and to share a story, to inspire people. Yet I feel so worthless all the time. I constantly...
Stories submitted by women under 30…
Surviving an unhappy home
I was an extremely shy only child of a single mum, living alone with her after her divorce from my dad, and eventually she remarried a creepy guy who claimed to want to adopt me and to love...
Time Heals All Wounds
I still remember that night that everything fell apart. I remember the distinct sound of glass breaking. I remember the yelling and the crying and the sounds of the sirens outside. I...
My Dream to Inspire Kids / teens through my terrible...
My Dream To Help And Inspire Students In Similar Situations Hi everyone I am Angela, I am 17 years, and I live in Delhi The story I am sharing is based on the experience I have when I was...
after my darkest moments
Growing up, I’ve noticed that many people, especially men, think they are entitled to a lot from a woman. They think they have the right to look, to gaze with the most naked desire. They...
I do belong and I will be successful
I’m not really sure where to start, but I’ve had the need to open up and share what I’ve been through maybe to possibly help younger teens and younger kids having a difficult time or...
Prepare For Your Purpose
You can inspire. Learn to multitask. Be innovative. Create something from nothing. Some individuals neglect to tap into their purpose. There are a number of factors for why this happens. It...
My Journey From “A ‘SCRATCH’ to A...
Hello, It’s Suchismita Ghoshal addressing her life’s story to motivate the distressed people out there who think they will always be stagnant on the point of failure. Hailing...
Always love everyone despite what they do to u
Hi! Am a young girl and am 19years old, have been through alot at my age and it only made me strong, at times i feel I am alone and have noone to talk too. have always lived with my parent...
One and Only Friend
I always had trouble keeping friendships with people. Not sure if it is because I tend to be more selfish than most, or forget to take my meds, who knows. But I do remember meeting this one...