
Stories submitted by women under 30…

To Exist And Be Alive Makes You Worthy

They say your twenties are for self-discovery and exploration. I am 27 years old and the last 7 years have been nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster ride. In my earlier years, I was...

The Superpowers We All Have

I remember when I was around eight or nine years old, I used to doodle encouraging messages to myself on my school notebooks. “You are really cool!” or “Kinga is amazing!” were my...

Supermoce, które wszyscy mamy

Pamiętam, że kiedy miałam osiem czy dziewięć lat w swoich szkolnych zeszytach często pisałam do siebie notatki. “Jesteś naprawdę fajna!” czy “Kinga jest...

My Voice Is My Purpose, What’s Yours?

I believe in introspection, where one digs deep in their heart to search for who they really are and what their purpose is. This introspection isn’t just for personal gain, but to...

The Power of Periods

The first time I was embarrassed of my period was the first moment I got it. There was no pretext to that feeling of shame. It was as innate as my breath. There isn’t anything specific...

Changing the Narrative

My journey as a young leader and advocate began when I was about 10 years old. Even as a child, I had so much passion for activism. Together with my fellow young activists, I led many...

The Power of Mentorship

We live at a time where there is more opportunity than ever before. For some young women, the principles of feminism are encouraged. They are supported in their endeavors to get an...

Life Advice from a Life Advice Addict

I am asked more often than I thought I would be how I got to where I am today. It’s a position I wouldn’t have believed I’d be in ten years ago. When I was nineteen, I was close to...

Reflect, Claim Our Space, and Power On!

For me, growing up was a series of realizations about the things that I ‘could not’ do, merely because I am a girl. And while my relative privilege allowed me to get an education, start...