I do all of the things other young people my age do, like hang out with my friends, watch Youtube and Netflix, and listen to music. There are days when I don’t feel pretty and days when I...
Stories submitted by women under 30…
Persevere: Greatness Awaits You
I grew up in what was referred to as a squatters community or captured land. Families living there were below the poverty line. It meant that most were living in poor conditions and seeking...
She Chose to Walk Away
Being born into a Pakistani family, it’s not easy to stop listening to what people are saying about you: about the way you dress, you walk, you talk, or you smile. I had to choose between...
Kuongoza Kizazi cha Wanateknolojia kwa ajili ya...
Ni watu wachache sana wanaotambua mchango wa wanawake katika uhifadhi wa mazingira. Utafiti unaonyesha kuwa wanawake huathirika pakubwa na mabadiliko ya hali ya anga na majanga ya...
Leading a Generation of Tech Enthusiasts for the...
By Christine Sayo and translated by Paul Nganga Mutua Very few people recognize the role that women play in environment conservation. Research shows that women are more heavily impacted by...
It Will Never Rain Roses
“It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses.” – Mary Anne Evans, known as George Eliot I was born and raised in a very small town in...
ვარდებს არასდროს...
“ვარდებს არასდროს იწვიმებს, თუ გვინდა რომ გვქონდეს უფრო მეტი ვარდი...
“This is who I am”
Many a times women refer to other women as their own enemies, the thing is we focus a lot on the negative and forget about the positive and amazing things women can do for each other. There...
Just talk to someone
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes descriptions of sexual assault and rape. I was 17, had a couple of close friends, was shy, and my self-esteem was...
Thinking Global
Growing up, people most often identified me as the “dark-skinned girl” or the “charcoal seller’s daughter.” I come from a community where most daughters end up taking over their...