
Stories submitted by women under 30…

The Power of Mentorship

We live at a time where there is more opportunity than ever before. For some young women, the principles of feminism are encouraged. They are supported in their endeavors to get an...

Life Advice from a Life Advice Addict

I am asked more often than I thought I would be how I got to where I am today. It’s a position I wouldn’t have believed I’d be in ten years ago. When I was nineteen, I was close to...

Reflect, Claim Our Space, and Power On!

For me, growing up was a series of realizations about the things that I ‘could not’ do, merely because I am a girl. And while my relative privilege allowed me to get an education, start...

Puterea Educației Sexuale

Am 28 de ani și am crescut în București, capitala României, o țară din estul Europei care tocmai scăpase de comunism, cu un an înainte să mă nasc. Viață părinților mei a fost...

The Power of Sexuality Education

I am 28 years old and I grew up in Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, an Eastern European country that got rid of communism the year before I was born. My parents’ life was...

Being A Young Lesbian

Being a lesbian is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wish I could have imagined this possibility when I was younger, because when I was 11 or 12 years old, all I knew about...

Ser una lesbiana joven

Ser lesbiana es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida. Desearía haber imaginado esa posibilidad cuando era más joven porque cuando tenía 11 o 12 años, todo lo que sabía de lesbianas...

I value my determination and my resilience

It all started back in 2016, harmlessly swiping on Tinder the social dating app, when I swiped right to someone who I could see had tattoos which looked really appealing at the time. That...