Speaking Your Truth


When you write something about someone…whether they see it or not, be sure you can tell that to their face too. For instance, if I directly told someone something over text, I’d say it...

CoCo’s Story

As of today, I decided that I’m tired of keeping quiet about my hardships. I’ve became single recently, but in the most fucked up way. I was genuinely happy with our relationship...

I’m Slowly Dying

Has anyone ever almost caused your death and never apologized? Well that happened to me, and let me tell you one thing: it was absolutely devastating to learn the truth. Hi, my name is...

My art

I am an extremely extrovert, optimistic, people person and for me a regular day wouldn’t end without meeting with at least 50 people. It was around 5 years from the time when I...

Empowering women Empowering society

INDIAN working women (IWW) is a community initiated to promote women empowerment. We have a group of nearly women Pan India who are working under this platform, which works through women...

Anxiety Feels Like a Bully

In my mind anxiety feels like a massive bully. It holds me back from taking up new opportunities and to speak up. It makes me constantly put myself down. Anxiety feels like a massive bully...

Fighting for Change

The past few weeks have been unsettling. First, Covid-19 forced us to stay at home, and we became masked-people. Then we witnessed on national TV the senseless murder of George Floyd. Now...

We want our rights.

Përshëndetje, unë do të flas për gjërat që i ndaj nga mendimet dhe statistikat e mia, i shprehem plotësisht botës, për t’i treguar atyre që me të vërtetë besoj se gjëja...

The strongest person I know

When they asked me, who is the strongest person I know? I replied, it’s me…i am the strongest person I know, I have been through things no one knows and I still laugh and be...

Dear, mom

Hey there. Today I’m going to be writing once and for all. People think it’s a healthy outlet for emotions. At least now, that I can’t talk to anyone, it’s the only...