Speaking Your Truth

Ser una lesbiana joven

Ser lesbiana es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida. Desearía haber imaginado esa posibilidad cuando era más joven porque cuando tenía 11 o 12 años, todo lo que sabía de lesbianas...

Hands off my tamariki

I spoke at a family violence prevention conference in Aotearoa New Zealand recently about the rife state uplift of indigenous children here. New Zealand child protection harms more children...

My story as an apostate

In May 2017, I submitted a petition to a court of law in the city of Omdurman asking for a change in my National Record of my religious status from “Muslim” to “Nonreligious”. The...

My Story

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes references to childhood rape and abuse. My name is Kylie. And I am a survivor. Some backstory my dad was never in...

Experiencing epilepsy is my strength

I became epileptic 2004. I was ashamed of my Epilepsy for years. l often compare myself to my sisters. Why am I epileptic yet they are normal? It’s unfair. Only my close and I trust...

Will Eve-Teasers ever Rule the World?

CAT-CALLING / WOLF-WHISTLING / EVE-TEASING FACED BY A TEACHER. I, Xavier Siby Moorkattil, a sincere student from Second Year(B-Section) of Academic Year 2017-2018, S.P.N. No. 1603179...

Soldier of Hope

Heart beating, tears streaming, blood running down my arm, the strength to take just one more breath. This is survival. My whole life has been a fight for life. I was born with cleft lip...