
my sister

Last year I almost lost my best friend and sister when she was born she was born with a very rare syndrome and the doctors told my mom and dad that she wouldn’t live a week .Well...


It was a September evening in 1968 when two men dressed in their military dress blues knocked on the door of our home. I remember it like it was yesterday. They came to tell us that my...


When I was in Elementary School, I was a gloomy and quiet kid. Average in my looks and grades, I got often overlooked by my peers and my teachers. I was also bullied by my classmates just...

Gaining Confidence

Before coming to Girls on the Run / Heart & Sole (GOTR/H&S), I was a college intern with little experience coaching girls let alone girls who were in 6-8th grade. I was really...

GOTR changed my life

I started my journey at Girls on the Run with the Central Kentucky Council in 2017. I was 19 and I was trying to find my way through my college years. At the time, I was living in a house...

Turning Point of An 18 Year-Old Girl

I’m a girl who is 18 and was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer 5 months ago. It was right after I took the university exam that I learned about it. I have always felt worried something...

Sources of Strength

I’ve always been very close with my mother, although we now live an ocean apart – she’s in California, where I grew up, and I’m in Europe. She’s an exceptional...


Hi, I am L. I am 14 and I am an attempt survivor. My reasons for it is my own but I want to talk about my journey with suicide ideation and depression. I tried to OD on aspirin at the...

Thoughts Matter

Hi , This is Jiya. You must have not heard about me. I am short and cute girl who loves to be with my family and friends . So here’s my story : Born to a simple Gujarati family in...