
I started to do things I love

I am someone who just got out of depression. And something that pulled me out was music and my own imagination. I tried explaining my feelings, that feeling of not having interest in...

My Journey to recovery

Hello everyone my name is Crystal, I am 17, and I was named BGC (Boys and Girls Club) YOY (Youth of the Year). My YOY journey so far has been life-changing. It has shown me who is there and...

Eating disorders

Hi! I am a 17 year old girl. I struggle a lot in my life even though I’m always laughing and seem happy. Daily I deal with a lot of stress. I think, maybe I have depression… And also I...

The Power of Transitions

Everyone tries their best to start their year with so much hope, at least that is what social media shows us , the constant contents on “vision boards , resolutions, 21 days of trying...

Testing my limits

I have planned a journey of 180 km on bike.My mood was really good i left around 1pm to get a heads up on my journey, Which was hardly a 4 hrs journey.Everthing was going smooth.After 30 km...

You’re not alone

My life never was as perfect as in the movies. I’m a new generation to this world who still is trying to find myself. Mu childhood was like anyother family. We did trips together, spent...

red hair lady

I want to share this experience to others that are going though bad times or have already done so,This is my story that happened to me back in 2008. It is true and i had my brother with me...