Overcoming Addiction

2 months clean

After a lifetime of drinking and 7 years of shooting crystal meth , now 2 months clean .I was crying the other day, tears of joy but also sadness. Why sadness well no matter if it’s...

Change can be made

I have a powerful message about what’s wrong with our lives. I want to send anonymously. I chose to send this to you because of your platform and the influence you have on people. Please...

With Darkness Comes Light

On December 13, 2017 I woke up in a strange place, to the sound of unfamiliar voices, dazed and confused, surrounded by nothing but darkness. In my barely conscious state of mind, I thought...

Nobody of a Soldier

I really don’t know how to start, as far as I see it, until the past year my life has been rather dark. I turn 30 this January 2021. I guess its easiest to start at the beginning...

Heavy and light

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of repeated childhood rape and other forms of violence and abuse. My name isn’t important. To...

A Story of Recovery

Telling my story might help me heal and maybe help someone else in the process. We read other people’s stories all the time. This is just mine. I don’t like to tell my story because...

mistakes x100

I would like to start off by introducing myself, as Missy the messy writer. This story will most likely be all over the place (I’m not a very skillful writer), so I apologize in...

God has blessed me

Hello my name is Evangelist Stephanie Florence and God has blessed me to start a women ministry and it Chat And Chew Reaching Hurting Women Ministry. God place this on my heart on Nov.28th...

Just One Decision

I had an amazing breakthrough a few months ago, and it completely changed my life, but let me start with some backstory, explaining why this decision became so instrumental in helping me...