Youthful regrets

Dedication: Dear Boy with the "attitude", I've used my pet name for you. If you ever read this, I want you to know, that I always loved you. The girl with the tired eyes

This is a sad story. But it can make smn else’s story better. It a story about two people who were too afraid to tell each other how they felt. The world crashed down and they still stood there, lost in each other’s eyes, their tongues caught in the loops of mixed signals. She knew he was going to someone in her life. He unknowingly sold her his heart. And he wanted it back, but enjoyed the sight of her possesing it. And before he knew it she was his world. And before she knew it, he was her light. And yet they were afraid. Would they lose one another ? Or will they grow closer. They were too terrified to let it happen. And they got closer and closer, holding back the truth. And when the time came to reveal it. They didn’t. She knew he loved her. He knew she loved him. But they were still afraid of them being wrong. And just like that the universe that brought them together pulled them apart. She still regrets it, and so did he. Yet they were still afraid. Don’t be afraid to tell the world. Now is your moment. Don’t lose the people who love you. Go out there and size the moment. To the young people who are reading this- It’s better to tell them and learn from it , than not telling them at all and regretting it. I hope this was useful