
Every woman and every girl inspires us. We are deeply grateful to those who have shared their stories about breakthroughs in their lives, the ways in which they have overcome fears, beliefs, or events that once kept them from connecting with their inner strength and recognizing their amazingness. Some of these stories are stories of pain and how a women or girl triumphed over it. As you read these stories, rather than focusing on the pain, choose to focus instead on the triumph and the ways that others have overcome what may once have seemed impossible to overcome. Let's celebrate their triumphs!

“I’ve only just begun to realise...

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood abuse and violence, self-harm, and rape. (I’m not the best at writing so apologies for the format) So where to begin. I’m 18 years old...

Kuongoza Kizazi cha Wanateknolojia kwa ajili...

Ni watu wachache sana wanaotambua mchango wa wanawake katika uhifadhi wa mazingira. Utafiti unaonyesha kuwa wanawake huathirika pakubwa na mabadiliko ya hali ya anga na majanga ya kimaumbile. Hata hivyo, vyombo vya habari mara nyingi huelekea...

Leading a Generation of Tech Enthusiasts for...

By Christine Sayo and translated by Paul Nganga Mutua Very few people recognize the role that women play in environment conservation. Research shows that women are more heavily impacted by climate change and natural disasters. Yet, the media...

It Will Never Rain Roses

“It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses.” – ​Mary Anne Evans, known as George Eliot I was born and raised in a very small town in Georgia, a country located in the Caucasus region. Living...


“ვარდებს არასდროს იწვიმებს, თუ გვინდა რომ გვქონდეს უფრო მეტი ვარდი, უნდა დავრგოთ უფრო მეტი...

“This is who I am”

Many a times women refer to other women as their own enemies, the thing is we focus a lot on the negative and forget about the positive and amazing things women can do for each other. There is power in women lifting each other and Amazing...

Just talk to someone

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes descriptions of sexual assault and rape. I was 17, had a couple of close friends, was shy, and my self-esteem was non-existing. I had never done anything more than to...

My tragic then beautiful story

Hi I guess my tragic story began my first year of intermediate I guess you could have called me nieve, loud and annoyin. I had no friends for a long time until I got peared with a girl called well let’s call her Maria and she was sweet and by...

Thinking Global

Growing up, people most often identified me as the “dark-skinned girl” or the “charcoal seller’s daughter.” I come from a community where most daughters end up taking over their mother’s work, and I didn’t want to sell charcoal as...