Have you ever try to struggle in your life?. Struggle that you think will never be solve. Yes you always think that you want to end your life but you always think your family. What if I’m gone they will suffer so much, my twin sister will...
I have comprehended as to why you did it, but I have not yet comprehended why we could not stick it out. I feel as though my mind is hitting a way like every second I get a feeling and my heart thinks the opposite then my gut I end up with hurt...
As a victim of child physical & mental sex abuse that with a cruel twist that happened with the family home that continued for 12 years until I managed to flee and escape when I was 14 years of age, this included massive failings with the...
For a huge period of my life, I tied my self-worth with being a good house wife, my values as a woman consisted on learning how to cook and cleaning the house. Growing up I’ve heard things like “a woman will only be considered as such if...
I entered law school completely naive and full of enthusiasm. I am leaving it as a stupid girl with open wounds and a broken heart. I will forever carry the two main regrets till my last breath. People took advantage of my innocence and put me...
My name is Lostsoul, I am 23 years old. My father turned himself into a sage when I was 7 yr old. We used to have good business in MH but we everything got changed when my father got addicted to taking loans and entertaining ppl. We (me,mumma...
Are you a person who doesn’t know what their sexuality is? You are torn between liking girls or guys and worried that people won’t understand you? Maybe you like both! But even if you are a 21 year old who just realized she likes...
Hi i am a 23 year old female. A little bit background information i grew up in a conservative family. Oh i am a Muslim so my parents were really strict about my upbringing so that I don’t get spoiled or be a brat. Growing up i...
In the quaint town of Mikasa, Lily’s life unfolded against a backdrop of hardship and struggle. Born into a troubled family, her childhood was marred by the harsh realities of violence and neglect. The home that should have been a haven...
Am I going to be okay? I’ve often been labeled as “quiet and anti-social,” and even my own mother has scolded me, warning that I might end up lonely and unloved on my toughest days. Oddly enough, I’m unfazed by these...