Proud TB Survivor

Dedication: My family and God Ganesha

This is a story of a little girl. Her miserable life started at the age of six.
She was a bit ill, suffering from cough and cold. Her parents took her to a doctor and there her downfall started. The doctor said to her parents that the girl was having a little dust allergy, nothing serious. The girl kept suffering after every ten to twelve days so her parents consulted with other doctor. He did some tests and then the second doctor said, “hmm your child is a victim of Asthma!!” He gave her many medicines. But even these medicines were not working for her. Her parent took her to other doctors. No one was able to understand what was wrong with her. Why her body was not responding to any medicines. Why she was getting ill again and again. Within six months, her parents consulted with five famous doctors of her town, did many tests, changed medicines. But there was no improvement in her health.
Her parents were very sad because the girl was all the time. She was facing breathing issues. She was suffering a lot at the age of six. And again God came to rescue her. Someone suggested another doctor to her parents so they took her there. His name was Dr. David. He just held her hand, checked the pulse and gave the result to her parents. He said, “Your child is in second stage of TB (Tuberculosis). It is in the second stage and I cannot give you any guarantee that she will survive. We will try our best.” Her parents were blank and completely devastated. But soon they stood up and decided that they will do every possible thing to keep her alive. The Girl’s condition was critical and she was suffering from severe breathing problem. At that time, her mom and granny would grab her hand and cry. They started blaming God for all her misery. They used to say, “God!!! Why so much pain and suffering for her at this little age? Will she survive this???” Things got changed after everyone got to know the reason behind her illness. As we all know TB is highly contagious bacteria infectious disease, doctor suggested to take three months leave from her school. She had to live in her room and was not allowed to roam freely in her own house. Not only that, she was not allowed to play with her brothers. There were many restrictions in her diet. She was not allowed to eat her favorite things like chocolates, cookies and cakes etc. Instead of that, everyday she had to eat 18 tablets, two cough syrups and two types of protein powder.
At the age of seven, she went into depression. There were thousand questions in her mind. Why so much pain? Why she was not allowed to go to school? Why she was not allowed to play with her brothers? Why she was not allowed to roam freely in her own house and eat things she likes? Why she had to take many injections? The seven-year-old child was unable to understand all these things. She was a very bright student not only in academics but also in extra curriculum activities. She was pretty famous in her town and was everyone’s favorite. But this illness turned her life into nightmare. Whenever she was suffering from intense breathing problem, everyone would think, “Ohh My God!!! May be this is the end for her today.” But she fight back and survived. ( ( She survived because of the God, Dr. David and her lovely parents. But that period was not easy for the little girl,her life affected deeply.
The girl is me,my name is pooja and yes today I feel proud of myself…i never spoke about it publicly because of society…if people know I was suffered with TB how will they treat me ..and trust me if you have or had any disease it will matters a lot for society ..some will give you sympathy ,some will stay away from you,some will treat you good, and lastly when it comes to marriage then your disease will haunt you like hell doesn’t matter you are girl or boy .you will listen statements like “ohh my god she suffered with TB no sorry my boy will not marry a girl who was sick..what if she can’t conceive a baby blah blah ”
Society is changing now ..but still some people are same they do gossips and discussion about how other person is weak.. please you have no idea about the pain if person is weak in terms of physical or mental strength they might gone through hell so don’t judge anyone..when I suffered with TB i was just six years old and now I’m 29 years old now but some things still haunt’s me but now I’m strong enough to deal with anything…
So,show some goodness and affection it will help them to recover sooner…I survived because God and my family’s unconditional love …
I’m a software developer doing good with my life and living healthy life just have faith and trust.. all you need is fight it back …it’s not easy but it’s not impossible we can do it… stay positive any disease any sickness will not stop you …

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