My dad was my hero. He was my rock. He was always there for me. He was cheering me on at every skating, basketball, and soccer event that I had. When I was serving in Iraq, he helped me get through it. He sent me care packages. When I needed a place to stay, he invited me to stay at his place. I had joined the military, because he was in the navy. He was my role model. He was my everything. My favorite memory was when we had Christmas together. He would hide a stocking full of presents. When I was sleeping, he had put a stocking by my bed. The stocking was full of presents. It made me so happy. When I was 35, I thought I had all the time in the world with him. One day,I got a phone call from my cousin. She told me that my dad was in the hospital. He fell and bumped his head. When I visited him, he was really confused.I didn’t think his illness was serious. They couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. The next week I got a call from his doctor. His doctor told me he had cancer and he only had a few days to live. Hearing those words broke my heart. I didn’t know what to do without him. That next week, he took his last breath. I wanted to shake him and tell him to wake up. I didn’t think that I could get through life without him. During his funeral, I talked about how our inner tubes were sinking in the river and he saved my life. I feel like I am still grieving. I miss him so much everyday. I am a strong woman and a lot of that strength came from him. I like to think of good memories of him and talk to my friends about him. I do things that I know would make him proud. He would be so proud of me for retiring from the military. I will always miss him. I feel like each moment that I have, gets a little easier. Grieving is so hard, but I know that he is always in my heart. I still talk to him when I am doing every day things. I will always miss him and love him very much.
Missing my dad