in my 18 years of life

Dedication: my mother

its 7/03/21,15:35pm
since i was 6 years old, my father has been beating my mother. he has been abusing her physically, mentally and economically. i have been forced to witness this since i remember, if i was not a witness then i was a victim. in 2011 when my brother was born , he has been living the same life i had been living. ‘

my mother is a kind soul, she initially tries to defend herself, but when he hurts her, she submits out of fear for her life and her children’s. i have encouraged her to report him since i was 14, but he always threatens to humiliate and embarrass us in front of the community. he pretends to be a loving father and husband before people. so our friends and acquaintances believe us to be a model family.

he bullies her by using debt, dowry, family connections and even us as an excuse at times. even today as i write this he has brought a big bottle of alcohol home. and i know that its only a matter of minutes before he starts the usual. I’m scared of him, I’m scared for my mother. she doesn’t have the courage to file a fir against him. Its too much happening all at once and i haven’t slept in 69 hrs.