Hardships can be overcome

The purpose of me sharing this bit of my life is because I want those who read it to acknowledge that hardships can be overcome.

My dad was killed in front my brother and mom and me the week before my birthday a long time ago. How? He was stabbed by a man ~now imprisoned~ because of an argument about a car lot. It is hard to believe that people sometimes can die for such futile reasons. My beloved dad was a drug addict since his 15’s and because of this we spent money on rehabilitation. We did not have enough of it sometimes to last until the end of the month.

A few years later we moved to another country with my new step dad. After 4 year of hell, we escaped. My brother and I live with foster families and we reunited with our mom after some time.

My mom is now unemployed and fighting against this man who wants to see her defeated.
I am aware that some people struggle with more.

I want to say that I feel lucky for what life has taught me and these hardships only make me a better person: more mature and only added values and strenghtened my mind and spirit if anything.

I am lucky.