Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes references to childhood sexual abuse. My life was a living hell, and I mean literally. At the age of one, I lost...
Surviving Sexual Abuse
The story of a 14 year old sexual abuse survivor
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes references to childhood rape and other forms of sexual and emotional abuse. Hello, my name is L. Just L. My...
I grew up to be an amazing young woman
Since a young age, I bowed down to the expectations of how others viewed me. After so long of listening to other people predict your life, you begin to believe it, too. For the first twelve...
Believing in myself
My father raped me before I started school. I did not remember until very recently, in my early adulthood. I have always remembered only his brother molesting me when I was in middle...
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes references to childhood rape and abuse. having a dad around was never really a common occurrence. by the time she...
Extraordinary Transformation
Like so many other women, I am a survivor. From the ashes of incest, abuse and neglect arose a passion to help others create extraordinary lives. At age 12, I was abandoned with my younger...
The truth will set you free.
I do not think that I fully understood my inner strength until I was old enough and wise enough to understand what it meant. I must have been in my early 30s. At almost 8yrs old we migrated...
“Our Journey”
My name is Donna and i would like to share “Our Journey”. It’s the short version about my life and how three kids saved me. It was produced for the foster care system. It...
Estoy prosperando a pesar de todas las cosas que me...
Yo soy increíble porque estoy prosperando a pesar de todas las cosas que me decían que no podría hacerlo. Hola, tengo 23 años y soy estudiante de maestría. Si hace unos años me...
Voice for the voiceless
When I was a little girl, I thought I was worthless and would never amount to anything because of what I was told and the way I was treated. I had dreams but as each day went by I thought I...