
The Smart Girl

My freshman year of high school, I wanted to stop caring. I was so burnt-out, trying to be the perfect student. I had straight A’s, got 100s on nearly every test, hated myself if I got...

how i feel

Hi, I am Sethmi and I am Asian, from Sri Lanka. I’m 14 and would like to tell you all about me. As you know being a teenager is hard, I find very difficult and end up doubting myself...

questions about society

Short story. Don’t understand this society much. How do boys want girls to dress? Do they care if they wear crop tops or if all they wear is hoodies and sweatpants. I don’t know how I...

Overcoming Fear and Personal Beliefs

Life can be very hard and full of ups and downs when you feel like you don’t fit in anywhere or when you face challenges. Lately, I’ve been gone and still going through a lot, for...

This girl saved my life

I remember I was swimming and swimming trying to get to the edge of the river. It all started when I went to visit my aunt who lived by a forest in Pennsylvania she lived in a small house...

The Same Person, but not the Same

Hello. I am a 12 year old girl in 7th grade. As I grew up I found out more about my past. I am adopted. When I tell people that they say, ‘Oh I’m so sorry!’ or, ‘oh...

short but valid

as a little girl i was fine i was happy but them when i was 8/9 my mum got a new bf and he was abusive im not saying much but we got out and then when i was 11 i tried to kms and ive...

Survivor of teenage domestic violence

Hello, I wanted wanted to share my story to reach out to other young girls who may feel alone and not sure if what they are going through is normal or not because when I was 15 and...

last hope- From Allah

I am a teen muslim girl who currently shifted from the UK to Pakistan. It’s been a year. Wow.. a year.. so quick but life changing. I at the age of 9-12 use to be a very...

My life

I have divorced parents my dad is remarried and my mom is single. I have 3 besties and 2 puppies one is named lily and one is named coco. I just love Tennessee and Georgia there both...