This girl saved my life

Dedication: My name is Fiona and I'm fourteen years old and live in Pennsylvania.

I remember I was swimming and swimming trying to get to the edge of the river. It all started when I went to visit my aunt who lived by a forest in Pennsylvania she lived in a small house but with a huge backyard and a pool that was planted underground. Near her house there was this river. I remember one morning I woke up before my aunt and headed outside to get some fresh air. At the time I didn’t know how to swim but I was wearing a t shirt and shorts so I went in the river and since I didn’t know how to swim so I almost drowned. Then I started screaming to see if my aunt would hear me and rush outside and help me out. But I probably wasn’t loud enough because she didn’t go outside. That’s when I saw this girl about my age and she immediately rushed grabbed my hand and helped me get to land safely. I don’t know who this girl was she was a complete stranger but what I know was that she saved my life.