I’m a grandmother now, and I have a story to tell. It is time to “say it forward”. Childhood is meant for innocent and happy times, but after age four mine was painful. There were...
Encouraging/Empowering Others
“We walk side by side”
VIDEO: Mitra Kadarsih discusses the diversity of Indonesia, and how midwifery embodies inclusive, non-judgmental, women-centered care that empowers women.
A thing of hope
Hey guys, I’m Shanessa, and I’m just here to tell you a bit about my life experience. For me, living has always been a struggle, my journey with mental illness began when I was 10 years...
Lift Someone Up
I have been in Girls On The Run for a year and there are many different things I like about Girls On The Run. Also there are very important things I like about Girls On The Run, they are my...
Be Respectful
Why is girls on the Run so much fun? Girls on the Run is so much fun because while you are participating in it you are making friends, encouraging others, learning lessons, and trying to...
I love Girls on the Run
I love Girls on the Run! I have been participating in G.O.T.R. for 4 seasons. I love G.O.T.R. because the lessons that they teach us helps with many things during the day. I also love...
Encouragement goes a long way
What I love about Girls on the run is we learn about teamwork, helping each other and encouraging others. My friends are encouraging and they help me. My favorite lesson from Girls on the...
Things that I really love about Girls on the Run
To be honest, there’s actually a lot of things that I love about Girls on the Run. For instance, how I love how hard my run mates will work to accomplish all of their 12 laps, even...
Why I love Girls on the Run
So today I am telling you about why I love Girls on the run! One reason I absolutely love Girls on the run is because my teachers Tia, Ms. Horne, and Ms. Mcgarther treat all the girls with...
Giving Back and Lifting Up
I encountered Girls on the Run like many other parents do – my girls brought home information about a “running program”, and I thought it sounded like a great way to...