Ability / Disability

I overcame so much

I am amazing because I overcame so much from the time I was born at 25 weeks premature when only 1 pound no ounces. Overcoming (epilepsy) seizures, asthma ,cerebral palsy and many more...

A journey from Silence to Symphony

In the silence, I found strength. In the darkness, I found light. And in the journey from silence to sound, I discovered the true essence of resilience.” These were the words that...

Doing the impossible

To whom it may concern, I hope you are well and having a good start to the new year. This year I have made it my mission to share my story and to hopefully use the hardship I have faced in...

Kindness through Letters Mission (KTLM)

Hello I am Allison I am the founder of KTLM (Kindness through Letters Mission) a mission I started by myself to encourage and spread God’s love to people all over the USA since I started...

My many miracles

Carina Imbrogno is a disabled self taught award winning inspirational artist who began her art at the age of 40. She is a walking miracle who has defeated death many times. She suffers...

Surviving: Made To Battle

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood rape and sexual assault. Hello my name is saida luvenia Mahoney I am 25 years old I am...

My miracle journey

My name is Carina Imbrogno and I would like to share and publish my miracle story with others to help inspire them and give them hope it’s one way of me paying it forward.    I was born...