VIDEO: Margaret Kyakunda Mubanda talks with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place, about #ThePowerOfStories to lift us up, to educate and to inspire ourselves and others.
VIDEO: Sharon D’Agostino talks with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place, about why every woman’s story matters, and why she hopes you will share one of yours!
VIDEO: Franscisca Mandeya, author of Mother Behold Thy Son, talks with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place, about “the power of a mother to transform this world.”
VIDEO: Ruth Kilimo, discusses the work of Market Girls Foundation, Kenya, and the role of stories in empowering and encourage girls and young women, in this brief conversation with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place.
VIDEO: Sonya Hartwig explains how sharing our stories can help us heal and empower ourselves and others, in this conversation with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place.
VIDEO: Andrea Vazquez shares her experience of the positive impact on others of sharing her story in this brief conversation with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place.
कुछ यादें ऐसे होतें हैं जो हमेशा आपकी मन्न में ताज़ा रहतीं हैं।कभी कभी बैठ कर सोचता हूं तो ऐसा...
I am going to tell you my full story. There’s several people who know different chapters of this, but not a single soul that’s ever known the whole thing. Why am I doing this? Well, I am hoping to inspire and help. I am 29 years old...
I was born with a craniofacial disease called Stickler Syndrome, which I inherited from my mother . Oddly, my mother does not know where she got our commonly shared disease from. This disease has caused me to be severely nearsighted, have bad...
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes descriptions of rape and sexual assault. I had a relationship for 4 years and my boyfriend cheated on me in first 6 months but then he convinced me that he loves me...