I remember a moment when I was 19 having an experience in the wild, in nature, in which I celebrated myself and stepped across a threshold in which I could love myself for who I was. Childhood sexual abuse for many years had broken me and...
When Julianna joined our program last Fall she was 9 years old, weighed 185 pounds, and had Type 2 Diabetes. Julianna was in and out of foster care because her mother was going through rocky times. Her demeanor was unhappy, sullen...
My life began with scars. My house burned to the ground when I was 3 years old, with me in it. My life is a gift. When I began school, I learned that people could be cruel. At 13, when I began high school, I realized I was enough and began the...
I woke up early on this Saturday morning. It’s rainy, and the perfect day to sleep in, but I couldn’t sleep. It’s chilly in the house, so I made coffee, wrapped up in a blanket and turned on the fireplace. As I sipped on my...
I have been involved with GOTRBA for the past 3 years as a board member and I am continued excited and full of joy at what this organization does for girls and women. As a “wannabe” runner for a good portion of my life I had decided to try...
I’m pregnant. Most women when they have that news are elated and can’t wait to share. They start choosing baby names, creating a registry and planning the nursery. They share the exciting news on social media, with friends, family members...
One fall, on the recommendation from a friend, I registered Allison for Girls On The Run. All I knew was the program was designed build confidence with an end goal of running a 5k. As a mom of a child who was really struggling at the time I was...
From 2000-2009 I was in a weird, I’m not me place….. 1st marriage ended after 14 months….Never really fixed the “why” I was where I was and how I felt about things after it ended….2004 I met husband number 2….We...
I am amazing because I can finally say and actually believe that I truly am amazing. I didn’t always feel this way: I was a strong girl who liked to climb trees and play sports. I remember boys saying that my legs were “too muscular.” I...
A few years ago, my husband and I were at an event where the speaker challenged us to develop a family motto. He suggested we sit down with our kids and create a simple phrase that embodied our values and spoke to our “family brand.” We...