Pain is beauty

Dedication: People who are facing bad phase of their life .

Pain is beauty

Heal your pain if you dont heal it today it might not just not hurt but destroy many lives . Try to sit with yourself . Try to face your fear heal yourself . Dont just run from that pain thats inside your heart . Face your fear . Love yourself first before you love someone

Accept yourself love yourself even more everyday that keep you alive .

No matter what happens with you who is with just give your kindness to people if they have kind heart they will recognize you if they are not believing in you they might just never believe on themself either . No matter how people treat you just learn from their bad behaviour but don’t try to treat anyone bad . Sit with yourself if anything wrong happens you will find answer why it just happens with you because everything happens for reason . If god loves you if you believe in him he will test your level of pain just trust the process he know how much you can handel once you just say God i am done now its so hard for me handel the pain no one there for me please now just show up then i promise that he will show up that day you might find the very kind person it might be your best friend or one of your family member who never shows that trust that they always have in you . Then God will keep you he will save you from everything just believe in yourself . Our life has really big meaning the day you understand that all door will open for you . Never loose your hope every room has one door if that one close try that small window puch it harder sometime its jam but it will open one day when he want and he know all the right time . Never cry in-front of people cry alone if it’s needed cry even more but before you complain about anyone just think about your inner soul . If you got treated bad way it does not mean that we should treat anyone bad because no person in this world deserves pain . Not everyone have that big heart to keep scars because for some even small scars painful and for others tolerance is too much because they blessed with big heart . No matter how hard time this pain is but never even give your scars to others . Heal your self first treat yourself with kindness . Obsessed with your own then you will see all lock door will open one by one that you try harder to open just never confuse with your own feeling . Sort out with your own ask question to yourself you will find answer of every single scars i promise that if you are able to face your own flaws if you accepting yourself at the end of day in front of the mirror you are the winner that day you get your success . That day you will just not run for money or people anymore . No one can hurt you but you hurt yourself very bad . We cant change this world but we can change our inner soul we can pure our own soul and the day you solve your own problems you will never hate anyone because that will you will know that he send that person in your life it does not mean that you need it but they need you God send them to you heal them treat them good give them confidence love kindness even if you are not getting back just never let anyone down with your bad words give them respect even they are giving you . You will learn many lesson but never stop loving people becaz its life and life is not easy everyone is dealing with so many things give your kindness . Tell them they are very beautiful if they are kind just tell them may be they always shows their kindness to other but no one was there to tell . I promise it will give you peace . The day you forgive all people in your life you will know that it’s right time. Life is very beautiful love this live this beautiful life no matter what tag people gave you at the end your heart give tag that remain with you always . Start your day with beautiful smile no matter how hard you cry last night . No one deserves to know about scars because you know your body better than anyone else . No medicine can heal your depression your anxiety but you can heal this i know its not easy but trust me it is not so hard . Just stop complaining . Don’t just pretend to be honest with yourself . Be clear with your thoughts life is too short find your soul not soul mate . Go out explore this beautiful world that God make with so much efforts . Appreciate those beautiful plants flowers mountains . He make those for you if no one treating you right that means they need some help some kindness but if you gave your all kindness and still that person never change . God will kick that person out wait for the right time . He knows better than you when it’s the right time . Why you are expecting flowers from others god give you million flowers . If you go out on coffee shop or grocery store and that cashier treat you bad it does not mean that you have to treat that person bad . Just smile and say have a nice day . May be she try to be nice with first customer but she didn’t get that smile back or may be her manager put some work pressure on her or may be she is dealing with something bad . Not everyday is nice for everyone you just don’t know what they are going though ever person have in this world is different they have different reaction some just never get their kindness back . If you find very rude costumer that costumer might have bad day may be all the cashier treat that person bad . Just give your smile and kindness to that person he might just need little push . Don’t be the reason of someone tear . Because God count every single tear . Don’t ever think about revenge or hate . Clear things with others if they are not listing sit with yourself clear things up . Find some positive things around you open your eyes you will find the reason to move on .
If someone cheat you it’s not their fault it might be your fault . Ask yourself did you treat that person right . Sometime over love and care makes people suffocated it does not mean that person dont deserve love but respect their personal space be with them when they need you spend time yourself with your soul . Treat yourself better before treating other best . Give gifts to yourself . Buy things that you wants to buy spend money on friends if they spend their quality time with you because money always come back with your hard-work but people and memories just never come back . Don’t hold yourself way behind then others go live . Heal your scars never treat yourself bad never ever . If your heart feels so heavy and you are so angry it does not mean you are depressed or stressing out you might be hungry . Eat some food bro if you cant deal with your thoughts just wear your shorts and start running may be your brain needs some oxygen not medicine . No medicine can ever heal your fear your stress or your anxiety . If you feeling so low just hug yourself cross your arms and hug yourself very tight . If no one is there to appreciate your hard work then appreciate yourself . Life has meaning when you find the reason you will just be greedy. If your brain is clashing just go and say hey Alexa play some music i promise she play best songs for you .. there is way for everything never try to break the walls if you are not able to open that door .because every room meant to be open for you one day just hold your patience very tight God might be testing you . If he gives you pain accept with big smile because he loves you so much .May be you are not favourite kid of your family but you are his very favourite child . Just wait for the right time .
Photo credit: Image provided by the storyteller.

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Heal your scars