Dedication: All the girls in Zimbabwe painting the future they want.
Every girl deserves to realise her potential and live her dream life. I have visited a certain community about ten years ago. I met a young girl who had goals she wanted to achieve but was failing to due to various reasons including self-limiting beliefs and confidence. She did not have the necessary tools and information needed by a girl her age to achieve her goals. It was at this point that Precious Pearls Trust was born which is an organization in Zimbabwe that seeks to help girls geographically located in remote areas to have access to information on personal development, menstrual health management and business skills.
One of the tools we use are vision boards. These allow girls to vividly imagine what they want out of life as they set goals to make it a reality. The power of pictures as a fuel to achieve goals is priceless. The smiling,the joy and the expectation of a bright future make the process worthwhile as they paint the future they want.
In the process of availing information on personal development it became key to introduce information on menstrual health management as this topic is not easily addressed in the home set up due to various reasons including cultural norms. Yet if not addressed,a girls develop negative thought processes around menstruation and inevitably affects their self-belief. All this builds up and slows down the realization of their potential. The girl talk was launched out and creates a space for girls to discuss all issues around menstrual health management in a fun,safe and educative forum.
Every girl has a dream of what she wants to do,we allow to do so by setting goals to achieve it. It might not be easy but we equate that process and resilience to the refining and development of pearls which when realised are valuable pieces of jewellery as an individual pieces but even better as a necklace