It’s been said that the higher you fly, the harder you fall…Unfortunately, I never really, understood the intensity behind this phrase. Now, as I lie crippled in the dark, injured, trembling and uncontrollably sobbing from the pain of hitting rock bottom, I can only remember how high I was flying at this same time last year. I should have known it was a bad idea. I have terrible luck and am already prone to falls. I should have never allowed myself to get that high, but as I soared above the clouds, it felt so harmonious and peaceful. Absorbed in the captivating beauty surrounding me, I was having the time of my life and was oblivious to the depths of my ascension. I was enchanted in heavenly paradise, intoxicated by euphoric bliss, and consumed by the silent serenity of the sky. Inhaling a sigh of relaxation and relief, I felt refreshed as the cooling summer breeze sunk deep into my lungs and flowed freely through my soul. Flying high above the cottony white clouds, I momentarily closed my eyes. Resilient and uplifted, I began to let go of the many troublesome burdens weighing me down. Seeping out, from the depths of my soul, my hardships became insignificant and unimportant as they were whisked away into the wind and disappeared. I wore a smile that originated from the depths of my core essence. Immersed in my own perfect contentment, and preoccupied in fantasizing daydreams, I became inattentive and unsuspecting to the hazardous dangers lying ahead. Suddenly my peaceful serenity was interrupted. Following a terrifying explosion of thunder, I instantly opened my eyes, but it was already too late. I was headed straight for a cyclone of swirling darkness, and hazardous disaster. Paralyzed from fear, I was powerless under the violent, raging pressure of the storm. Within an instant, I had lost control and began spiraling downwards. Enveloped in a twisting and torturous downfall, I had no choice but to prepare for my own fatal demise. Upon impact, I hit the ground with unrelenting vigor and backbreaking force….. It’s been said that the higher you fly, the harder you fall…Unfortunately, I never really, understood the intensity behind this phrase. Now, as I lie crippled in the dark, injured, trembling and uncontrollably sobbing from the pain of hitting rock bottom, I can only remember how high I was flying at this same time last year.
Fallen angel
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Donna (D.J.) Frisbie