Exam Grades

Hi! This week has been so hectic for me. I’ve received most of my exams marks and it makes me feel so useless. I am one of the top student in school so people had a really hig hopes for me. But my grades been dropping somehow kinda low. I feel like every time my grades aren’t 90 above, people would be laughing at me, judging me for not being the ‘smart’ anymore. I don’t have others thing to protect. Intelligence is the only thing that I can be proud of. I am a 5 feet girl with an ugly face that keep being judged, so getting great marks is a prior to me. It makes me feel happy and secured. I love helping my friends solving the questions that they couldn’t. I love it when people ask me for their help on any subject. But now, I am feeling guilty of myself for not achieving what I should.

It such a relieve that I could write this story here. It lifted up a burden. Thanks! I will keep learning and improvising myself to become a better student and a better person!