
Crash: The Love Story

My awareness about my greatness came in stages due to the fact that that I was carrying a lot of baggage right up until the point of a near-death experience in 1990. I survived a motor...

To Whom Do You Give Your Power?

I love kaleidoscopes because they remind me that in an instant, everything can change. In many of the “kaleidoscope moments” of my life, I have been able to see long-held beliefs or...

Knowing My Voice Should Be Heard

A month ago or so, I was extremely surprised by a court order submitted by my ex-husband. Without my knowledge, he was emancipating my son that has multiple disabilities and the Judge ruled...

I’m Finally a Baseball Player

Baseball Sisters: Breaking Ground by A.J. Richard “Some of you have been waiting your whole life to be treated like a ballplayer.” -Justine Siegal Last week I played on a baseball team...

Feeling Good About “No”

Recent conversations with four friends from different walks of life left me wondering what happened to our collective ability to utter that very simple, two-letter word that could help make...


A Breakthrough Moment, Thanks to Dad

One moment does stand out for me. When I was a teenager, my father told me I couldn’t do something because I was a girl. I can’t even remember what it was but still remember standing at...

A Week of My Own

There was a time I wore my To Do List like a badge of honor. I did it all: held down a full-time job while raising three children; volunteered for local charities; entertained on the...