VIDEO: Sake Jemelia Beda tells her story of becoming a midwife and of her decision to try to resuscitate a newborn baby whom others believed was dead.
International Confederation of Midwives
“This is why I want to become a midwife”
VIDEO: Vavita Santos Teta Leblanc, Reproductive Health Program manager, UNFPA Haiti Country Office shares the story about a young, pregnant girl, and how that story inspired Vavita to...
“If you really want to be a midwife…”
VIDEO: Martha Rimoy, National Coordinator for the Tanzania Midwives Association, discusses the many roles of midwives in advancing women’s health and rights.
“Midwifery is all about empowering that woman”
VIDEO: Michelle Wright from Scotland shares her perspective on empowerment, midwifery, and motherhood.
“We want to reduce maternal deaths”
VIDEO: Amanda Saambou, a midwife from South Africa, shares her commitment to supporting the health and survival of women and girls.
Scars Are Tattoos with Better Stories
My life began with scars. My house burned to the ground when I was 3 years old, with me in it. My life is a gift. When I began school, I learned that people could be cruel. At 13, when I...