
I love Girls on the Run

I love Girls on the Run! I have been participating in G.O.T.R. for 4 seasons. I love G.O.T.R. because the lessons that they teach us helps with many things during the day. I also love...


Girls on the run is so much fun. You get to make new friends, talk about certain emotions and how to show empathy. Empathy means the ability to understand and share the feeling of another...


Girls on the Run is so much fun because you can make new friends. You can learn more about your friends. What I love about girls on the run is every time you complete a lap you get...

Encouragement goes a long way

What I love about Girls on the run is we learn about teamwork, helping each other and encouraging others. My friends are encouraging and they help me. My favorite lesson from Girls on the...

Have fun

Girls on the Run is fun because running in a group and everyone being nice. The councelors cheer us on and people cheering each other. The coaches are nice and cool. Just listen and follow...


What do you love about Girls on the Run? I love the bond we have they treat like i’m their sister and the dedication they have on running. My favorite lesson is the one about empathy...

Cheer Up

One thing I love about girls on the run is that we learn about star power because when someone is sad we can just cheer them up. And I like when we run and I learn a lot of thinks and...


My feet pounded against the cold hard sand. My heart raced as a bolt of lighting struck the ground. The wind trashed but I refused to back down. The world seemed to be spinning faster than...

Girls on the Run is fun for everyone

Hi, I am going to tell you why I love girls on the run. What I love about girls is that we have great teachers and we have great fun. My favorite lesson has been connecting to the team...