Life can be very hard and full of ups and downs when you feel like you don’t fit in anywhere or when you face challenges. Lately, I’ve been gone and still going through a lot, for...
Encouraging/Empowering Others
Thriving In The Midst of Challenges
Hello, My name is Dr. Cornelia Gibson and I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in CA. I am the founder and clinical director of Agape Counseling Center and Network in Fairfield, CA...
Addicts are heroes
Addicts are heroes It’s really tough to have an addiction or bad habit. It ruins your life, your confidence, your career, your family, and your self-worth. Some people even lose their...
The Power of Transitions
Everyone tries their best to start their year with so much hope, at least that is what social media shows us , the constant contents on “vision boards , resolutions, 21 days of trying...
A complete loner
I’m crying right now because I feel like a complete burden of anxiety pushing against me. I feel like it’s always my fault and its always going to be my fault because I am the...
You’re never too old to play with dolls.
Have you ever felt that you’re too old to be playing with dolls? Or if people find out that you play with dolls, they will judge you? Thats how I felt ever since I can remember I...
Mentorship: A Pathway Out of Poverty
It is a story being told by video, and so I’ve included the link in this form. It tells the inspiring story of Procedure Chikosi, a Mentor at Girls Time Club in Victoria Falls...
The Same Person, but not the Same
Hello. I am a 12 year old girl in 7th grade. As I grew up I found out more about my past. I am adopted. When I tell people that they say, ‘Oh I’m so sorry!’ or, ‘oh...
Happiness is our birth right
For a huge period of my life, I tied my self-worth with being a good house wife, my values as a woman consisted on learning how to cook and cleaning the house. Growing up I’ve heard...
Houston and the NICU
My name is Ashley Hall. I am the founder of Houston’s Lift Off. This is Houston’s story. Houston was born at 25 weeks. He was born August 14th, 2015. He weighted 1 pound 3 ounces when...