When I was in the fourth grade, I couldn’t look in the mirror and tell myself I was enough. That I was beautiful or fun to hang out with. No girls cared to include me in hangouts...
Encouraging/Empowering Others
Overcoming Advocacy Burnout
PODCAST: #ThePowerOfYourStory Podcast is an interview series with women from around the world, a collaboration between Girls’ Globe and SayItForward.org. In this episode, Julia Wiklander...
I’ve been abused emotionally and physically
I was one years old you know my dad was a drug addict and hurt my mother so badly when I was two we left moved in to my gramma you know then my ex stepdad came into our life’s i was the...
Don’t let your past define your future
My story starts as a young girl at the age of seven coming from a dysfunctional family that fell apart from the beginning. A mother who was mentally unstable with five children and a father...
K quirk
i was a bit concerned about my weight. im a little under, but i didnt feel healthy. i felt i was fat, and i needed to lose weight.. i recognized myself as an amazing person when i found...
Metamorphosis: Finding your passion, finding your...
Hello, My name is Cindy Tawiah and I am originally from Ghana, West Africa. My life at an early age began with physical abuse and if it hadn’t been for a teacher who believed in me ...
Recognizing Our Common Ground
PODCAST: #ThePowerOfYourStory Podcast is an interview series with women from around the world, a collaboration between Girls’ Globe and SayItForward.org. In this first episode, Julia...
Ray’s Transformation
I am a Survivor of family/relationship trauma. Mother was abused by my father for 15 years and I growing up in a home where violence was prevelant swore I would never be a victim. However...
My experience being hard of hearing
Growing up was hard for me. When a baby is born you don’t except something wrong with it but for me it was different. I was born hard of hearing and I hate it. You see hard of hearing...
I’ve been having dreams about my kids every night for the last few weeks. They’re college students in their twenties, but in my dreams, they’re toddlers again. In last nights dream I...