hello…….im a 13 year old girl just wanting to share my story, i fell in love with this boy named ******* he is currently 14 years old. when i use to date him he was nice and kind to me at the start i ignore the red flags with the girl best friends. torwards the end of the relashionship he would start fights with me for no reason and would make up things about me. he told me he loved me and gave me the life i wish i had before when we started dating, but that quickly changed when it came up with him becoming more distance. he told me he wanted a break so i agreed. he still called me that night saying “why are you crying?” or “are you okay?”. like no im not okay i literally love you. i would listen to music at night not getting any sleep. i would fall back in my classes and i would sleep in class. i started to cut myself again and it became a daily thing i wanted to kill myself so badly. i tried telling my parents that i was fine and they didnt belive me when all i wanted to be was alone and not compained by them. i didnt like it when people ask me if im okay. but then me and ******* broke up and i found ******. he made me happy and think that life is okay and that i should stay for his love. but no i broke up with him because i couldnt deal with not seeing him at school he went to a different school than me. i broke up with him then i texted ******* again saying some stuff saying how life is. he said some random stuff i did not care about. then he sent me a snap of him saying “what would happen if we got back together?” i just said “i dont know” then he stared asking some questions and i said yeah i would like it if we got back together. he said i want to talk for a little bit more before caus eim not ready yet since i just broke up with my girlfriend. i said the same but about ******. he understood me and i understood him. we are still talking but i dont know if i should get with him again cause he caused me aot of pain. i have more about him that i think i should share. when i had to put my dog down he left the csll while i was crying and called my bestfriend ******* like WHAT…..