Why I live

Dedication: My loving mother, who always inspires me to live and laugh, despite all the suffering and loss she has endured throughout her life

I became a complete quadriplegic 15 years ago in a car crash that shattered all my dreams. I lost my only sister in that accident. Just 3 years after my family immigrated to this country with a heart full of hopes. It was my love for education and support from my community that gave me motivation to push forward. Finally, the day came that I have dreamt of all my life. I graduated after four grueling years of medical education and training with my fragile body on a motorized wheelchair. Today, I am pursuing my doctoral education in biomedical engineering, and teach the next generation of students in every opportunity I get. I volunteer for others with disabilities, and support causes that give us a voice. Disability is not a death sentence. With support, we can make each other live life to the fullest. It was the support from my parents and my mentors that gave me the will to live and pursue my dreams. Now I live to pay it forward. My journey through medical school is featured here: https://bit.ly/39kjIy6

Photo credit: Images courtesy of the storyteller.


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I love getting lost in nature, and being inspired from women who teach us courage