How should I believe in this life.

Am I going to be okay? I’ve often been labeled as “quiet and anti-social,” and even my own mother has scolded me, warning that I might end up lonely and unloved on my toughest days. Oddly enough, I’m unfazed by these warnings, as I prefer solitude over seeking solace from others, especially when their words feel like echoes of my own self-critique. Their judgments hold little weight, and it’s not that I despise their presence in my life; rather, I’ve come to believe I can handle life’s challenges on my own. I realize this may sound self-absorbed, but who am I, or anyone else for that matter, to care? As Albert Camus once noted, we live in a bubble-like stone.

In simpler terms, in the vast expanse of the universe, we humans are minuscule, and it’s plausible that we aren’t the sole sentient life forms. Does the Bible’s assertion that we’re creations of God with unique souls hold true, or are there hidden dimensions beyond our comprehension? Are governments manipulating us with their narratives and commands, masking the truth about what lies beyond our current understanding? In reality, we know very little, yet we often act with unwavering certainty, yielding to those in positions of authority. I harbor reservations about the global reach of governments, as they seem to exert a significant level of control over our lives. I’d rather forgo having children than see them become unwitting pawns of the government. It’s high time we recognize that our formal education and schooling aren’t primarily designed to improve the world but to furnish the government with a fresh supply of obedient workers. However, these are merely one person’s thoughts, and I hold no illusions of possessing the power to change the status quo.