how i feel

Hi, I am Sethmi and I am Asian, from Sri Lanka. I’m 14 and would like to tell you all about me. As you know being a teenager is hard, I find very difficult and end up doubting myself and binge watching over all the videos saying how to be “that girl”. I dont think it helps I dont think its good. My parents are very kind though i am an introvert and i do not like sharing things with people and keep everything to myself. I don’t want anyone to know anything about me and this just helps me feel more insecure. Acne is something which makes me go from 50% negativity to 100. I am in a bad mood while writing this so sorry about that. But whatever happens i will not give up and i am going to work for my goals and not let anyone put me down(very hard). I hope everything will be fine i continue to manifest my dreams <3 thank u 4 listening

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I am not that good at being positive i try my best