Gifted to Speak

Dedication: Young girls who may have been through trauma

These past couple of years have been both traumatic and transformational for me. I have had many up’s and downs in life but still found the strength within me to continue moving forward. At a very young age i was molested, which caused me to become hyper sexual, as well as mute later in life. Keeping this secret caused me to shut down and become numb due to the fact that it was someone who I considered close family. Now at the age of 23 after going through many hardships I am determined to use what I have been through to empower and inspire young girls. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and the things I have been through only pushed me into purpose.
Photo credit: Photos provided by the storyteller.

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Shamari Seymore

I am 23 years of age, a veteran and a lover of children. I love doing things that bring my peace, like meditation, nature walks etc.