Thing I love about Girls on the Run are being a good team player, and exercising. I love exercising in Girls on the Run because it helps me run better. Kaylin is someone I love to run with she run fast. My coaches are nice and they encourage me to keep going instead of giving up! First of all, being a good team player consist of encouraging others for example I helped Lela get back up when she fell at practice. I used good sportsmanship by not getting mad when someone accidentally bumped me when I was running. Being a good team player is about doing positive things. It is good to do positive things because it helps me be a better person. Second of all, exercising in Girls on the Run helps my body prepare to run. Exercising gives me more energy. The type of exercises I do are 15 squats, 30 jump n jacks and 14 laps. When exercising I burn off energy that’s why I drink plenty water to stay hydrated. You can dehydrate if you don’t drink water that’s why drinking water is important. Finally, things I love about Girls on the Run are being a good team player and exercising. Being a good team player consist of encouraging others. Also bring a good team player consist of showing good sportsmanship. I love exercising because it makes my body stronger. That’s why I love Girls on the Run!
For the love of being a good team player and exercising