I got married at 18yrs immediately after my form 4. I joined a secretarial college where I did a certificate in secretarial. I have been searching for a job for many years but in vain. Being in marriage for 24years with my first born 22 years who is just to graduate this year from TUK I decided to go back to school and just better my grade. My husband has been so harsh to me all the years of marriage wanting me to go back to school. 2019 I decided to go back to form four. It was not easy for me bt I struggled and managed to get C- from a D+ which was my first grade in 1996. I feel quite frustrated because I was not expecting to get less than a C+. My husband is still insisting I resit for KCSE again. I feel so down. Am just stuck😭😭😭👍👍👍