Gaining Confidence

Before coming to Girls on the Run / Heart & Sole (GOTR/H&S), I was a college intern with little experience coaching girls let alone girls who were in 6-8th grade. I was really nervous and had a fear of talking to the girls, afraid that I would mess up. As the weeks went on, I began to get to know the girls a little bit better. Know what they enjoyed, know their thoughts that they had about daily life activities, and know how they interact and feel about one another as teammates. As they gained confidence, so did I. I have always had the fear of speaking in public or being a leader. Now I enjoy leading the girls in activities, talking about the lessons, playing games and just being a part of the team. Being an assistant coach has its rewards and getting to know the girls is number one.

On the other hand, Coach Erin was AMAZING! She was my rock during this whole season. She was great about emailing the parents, talking to the girls, keeping them engaged, leading the lessons, and making sure that I felt included. If I had to do this experience all over again, I hope to have Erin as my lead coach again. She encouraged me even when I felt like I could not do it. She helped boost my confidence and made sure I was comfortable. Overall, GOTR/H&S was an amazing experience and I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to the rest of the season this year.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of Girls on The Run International.

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Rashaun Kidd (Ray)